Inspiration: New Draft

Lezing Zefir7

Zefir7 is a monthly design café for Greater The Hague and gives designers a forum to present their work. This month 5 inspiring graduation projects were shown;

‘Aera Fabrica’ – Roos Meerman (Arnhem)
Beautiful work! Crayons creating intricate design patterns and 3-d printed volumes in technicolor coatings.

Het ‘Miet-Bewohner’ of Berlin research project – Stan de Natris (Arnhem)
A critical and typographic representation of a geographic location.

’16 Pages and an Angry Young Man’ – Jeroen van Diesen (Den Haag)
A visualization of modern time frustrations with todays society.

‘Privacy is a Right’ – Kevin Sträter (Rotterdam)
A co-creation platform that visualizes quotes from the privacy debate.

LOADING – Jasper Terra (Den Haag)
Short film made by using a game engine

More information;
Zefir7: New Draft