Archived entries for Poster Design

Recruitment campaign

2016 | Libertas Leiden


A series of posters and advertisements for (health)care organization Libertas Leiden.

Campaign ‘I Stay Here’

2016 | Defence for Children

Campagnebeeld tijdens uitzending Pauw

According to the Dutch Office of Defence for Children, the National Children’s Pardon [Kinderpardon] is not effective. Hundreds of children have been residing in the Netherlands for more than five years without a legal residence permit. They do not speak the language of the country of origin and live in fear because they can be deported at any time. Last night the the National campaign ‘I Stay Here’ was presented on Dutch television. The aim of this campaign is to give these children a voice and stop the uncertainty of their current legal status.

Collateral: Print and Website
Photography: Hans Moolenaar
See also: Broadcast Pauw (Vara) May 3
Website: I Stay Here

What is childfriendly care?

2015 | Werkgroep Kind in azc

Poster Kind in azc

The goal of ‘Kind in azc’ is to improve the situation of children in asylum (refugee) centers. This resulted in a flyer/poster answering the question “What is childfriendly care according to children?”.

Portrait: Akhrat Selevani
Photography: Hans Moolenaar

Network poster

2015 | Defence for Children

Poster Defence for Children

To thank the project partners of Defence for Children – ECPAT and place them in the spotlight, we developed a brochure that transforms into a poster.

Print design: poster fold

2015 | Defence for Children

Infographic, brochure en poster samen

For our client we designed a poster that doubles as a brochure and folds out into an infographic showing the annual results.

Children’s Rights Film Festival Leiden

2014 | Defence for Children

Poster Kinderrechten Filmfestival Leiden

Various activities are organized at the Child Rights Home during the Children’s Rights Week, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The third edition of the Children’s Rights Film Festival was held on November 18, 19 and 20 and offered a stage for films and documentaries on international children’s rights issues. Collateral included movie posters, flyers, shirts, tickets and opening credits (animation). With special thanks to the city of Leiden and all the staff and volunteers of Defence for Children.

T-shirt Kinderrechten Filmfestival

Movie Poster Workshop

Workshop Maris College

The goal of this workshop for students of the Maris College (Media & Design) was to make a movie poster using self-portraits.

Campaign for a Fair Children’s pardon

Defence for Children | 2014

Pauw en Witteman donderdag 7 mei

A large number of mayors and refugee and children’s rights organizations began a campaign for a fairer application of the children’s pardon (Dutch: Kinderpardon). Commissioned by Defence for Children campaign materials were designed such as flyers, posters and banners.

See also;
Uitzending Pauw & Witteman 7 mei
BNR Nieuwsradio

Child Rights Film Festival Leiden

Child Rights Home NL | 2012

The Child Rights Film Festival in Leiden is a three-day event of documentary films, presented jointly by the Child Rights Home (Kinderrechtenhuis) and partners to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The films focus on -sometimes- violent subjects, such as juvenile justice in Brazil, child labor in Russia and child soldiers in Congo. was responsible for the graphic design of the movie poster, invitations and t-shirts.

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Kiss and Go (Sign)

Printed Matter
Lycée Français Vincent van Gogh | 2012

sign kiss-n-go

The Kiss and Ride zone allows drivers to stop and help their children out of the car while remaining within 3m of their vehicle. They are reminded by use of a big blue sign.

But how to achieve this communication in a busy schoolyard? With a little pray and smile! Lycée Français agreed 🙂 Fresh from the printer and on display starting today.