Core Standards European guardianship

Defence for Children | 2012

Booklet, brochure and cheque for the project ‘Closing a protection gap: Core Standards for guardians of separated children in Europe’.

The goal of this project: protect separated children in Europe by developing Core Standards for their guardians. In this project, eight European countries work together.

The Core Standards are represented by ten (universal) symbols. Combined with a tabular system and the use of multi-ink swatches, the information is easy to read and cost-efficiently produced.

Boekje Kwaliteitsstandaarden, symbolen.
Kwaliteitsstandaarden, tabsysteem.
Kwaliteitsstandaarden, typografie (quote)

Typographical details of the rapport ‘Core Standards for Guardians of separated children in Europe’ (72 pages) show a spacious layout and footnotes provide extra information or clarification without interrupting the main flow of text.

Core Standards, omslag
Core Standards, binnenwerk
Core Standards, illustratie

Members of the European Parliament Sargentini (Greens party) and Wikström (Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) advocate for European guardianship rules for separated children. On the 30th of November 2011, they received a report on this issue and have signed to act as ambassadors of the Core Standards for Guardians.

Overhandiging cheque

More information:
Members European Parliament advocate for European rules on guardianship