Archived entries for

Gateway to Ruigoord

Last weekend ‘Heaven on Earth’ was praised and sung about with incantatory words from Hans Plomp, Hedy d’Ancona, and Joep van Lieshout. In the context of 50 years of Ruigoord, the art route ‘Oase of Wonder’ was opened: thirty (art) projects spread over the grounds of the only ‘free state’ in the Netherlands. A unique place that has been known as an artists’ colony since the 1970s where ‘different’ rules apply.

Last Friday my name was Alice and I stepped through the gateway into No Man’s Land near Amsterdam’s Afrikahaven, a green oasis flanked by (oil) storage terminals and wind turbines. Above our heads the occasional rustling of metal birds. Before my visit, I had seen a TV documentary about this place. While watching, I was pleasantly surprised by writer and poet Hans Plomp (“The indistinct stench of the city disappears under the scent of elder- and lime blossom…”). He was one of the first squatters in the village The Wild Place (‘t Ruighe Oort, old Dutch). Triggered by this poem, I am reminded of the summer of 1989. At that time, I was preparing my application to the Royal Art Academy in The Hague. My portfolio consisted of poems, photos, paintings, and drawings, but soon realized that essential (graphic) parts were missing. Together with a good friend, we designed book covers on a multi-colored photocopier, including – as I quickly decided – Hans Plomp’s ‘Amsterdams Dodenboek’ (Amsterdam’s book of living and dying). As a seventeen-year-old, this book made a big impression, especially because of the stories about booze, drugs, and sex, but also because of the main characters and allusions to ‘Titaantjes’ (Little Titans) of Nescio, my favorite Dutch writer at the time. Later in life I also got to know Frederik van Eeden, known for the Walden colony (based on Thoreau’s Walden, or Life in the Woods). The magic circle seemed to be complete. For the cover design I came up with ‘Amsterdammertjes’ (typical steel traffic bollards) projecting crucifix-like shadows on the pavement .

The access road, leading to the centrally located church, is bathing in sunlight. Brick houses with painted poems and French wild wood on either side. Just like in the video from 1991, but a bit messier and less rural. On the open field a colorful group of vagrants, artists and artisans, but also ‘bon-ton’ city people who have parked their luxurious Land Rovers and Teslas around the corner. This place will surely score high on the bohemian-index. Old hippies and early school leavers, searching for freedom by following the smell of disobedience. After listening to words of welcome, Richard and I stroll through the green fields, witness a performance with out-of-space objects (Transcendental sympathy by Natalija Gucheva) and lose ourselves in a maze of winding paths along the Observatory of the Microverse (Jamie Nee) to the edge of the Afrikahaven. The healing hands (flag) of Willem de Ridder (1939-2022) mark the outer limits of this exhibition. The nearby oil tankers have been turned (propellers facing North) in order to reduce noise pollution.

Lost in the land of tall grass, reeds and rats, we arrive at a soothing pond with a mechanical octopus (Hydra) by Zoro Feigl. In my personal translation ‘a commune of plastic eels’. For me the highlight of the art route. The brochure states that this lake was dug by Theo Kley (1936-2022). Zoro Feigl’s work is poetic and unique, think of earlier work ‘Infinity’ (2018, Nest, Elektriciteitsfabriek, The Hague). At the edge of the open field a blue school bus reminds me of Tom Wolfe’s Merry Pranksters in ‘The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test’. Insiders inform us that this ‘air bus’ recently caught fire and was used to travel to India and China. Every corner here has a story to tell. On our way out, we say goodbye to this ‘Oasis of Wonder’. With a bow to the poet, lifetime guardian and gray-haired pirate telling tales of adventure and danger, his clothes rough and worn, with patches and tears that speak of battles fought and won. In the hope young new Titans will stand on the shoulders of Giants to tell new stories of bravery and resilience.

Click here for a photo impression.

Orange highlights

2017 | Defence for Children


The Annual Report for Defence for Children – ECPAT is titled ‘Proud of Our Accomplishments’. This positive attitude is realized by focusing on key results and highlighting important projects.

Continue reading…

Illustrated competency model

2017 | Libertas Leiden

LL_Mockup_zigzag folder_small

The new compentency model for care-organization Libertas Leiden is illustrated by depicting five key characteristics for all employees.

Artwork: Popgrafix
Print: Station Drukwerk


Dutch edition CRC

2017 | Defence for Children

IVRK boekje

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted in 1989 and applies to all young people under 18 years of age. A total of 193 countries have signed the convention up to the present time. This (square) edition is the official Dutch translation from Defence for Children.

Print: Printgarden
ISBN 9789074270373








Report on deportation of children to Armenia

2017 | Defence for Children
Rapport Armenië

Asylum seeking minors who have lived in the Netherlands for at least five years and are deported to their home country (Armenia) are living in terrible conditions. This is the conclusion of a report by Defence for Children and the University of Groningen.

More information;
Press release Defence for Children
TV broadcast Een Vandaag




Crowdfunding campaign

2017 | Dutch Victim Support Fund

Facebook carroussel FSH

The crowfunding campaign for emergency fund ( focusses on basic needs of victims, such as a care-packages, groceries or toys for children.

Concept: Publicis and Dutch Victim Support Fund
Website: Dutch Victim Support Fund (Kentaa platform)
Video-editing: Worx Media




Recruitment campaign

2016 | Libertas Leiden


A series of posters and advertisements for (health)care organization Libertas Leiden.

Dutch Design Award for Brabantia

Dutch Design Award Brabantia

In 2011 Designink and Studio Hert approached Dutch family business Brabantia with proposals for a new product branding. They succesfully implemented our designs resulting in an improved brand positioning and significant sales increase. This year Brabantia won a Dutch Design Award (DDA) in the category Best Client for their excellent commissioning of designers.

Dutch Design Award Brabantia

More information:
Website Dutch Design Awards
BNO News (Association of Dutch Designers)















Identity and website for The Anglican Church in The Hague

2016 | Church of St.John & St.Philip


The Church of St. John and St. Philip, known as the English Church, is an Anglican church in The Hague. Designink realized the restyling of the logo, new corporate identity and (responsive) website.

Special thanks to Moscrop (website development) and Zaida (photography).












Responsive website with a mission

2016 | Fonds Slachtofferhulp

Website Fonds Slachtofferhulp

The Dutch Victim Support Fund is the starting point for victims of crime, accidents and disasters in the Netherlands. Designink developed a website with a renewed focus on the user and accessibility. The thematic presentation was made more visible and the payment options (donation and webshop) were greatly improved.

Design: Designink
Development: Slim & Dapper





