Archived entries for Print

Erasmus University Medical Center

Erasmus MC | 2013

Drukwerk Erasmuc MC

Project identity and printed matter (brochure and forms) for The Erasmus University Medical Center. Clear and concise information design for ease of use by neurologists and speech therapists.

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Bringing People Together

HHP | 2013

Business Cards for Howland Heckman Productions. Laurie is a Senior Marketing Professional, Frank is Sound Engineer and DJ. When their cards are joined together, you can see the complete logo.

Logo design: Laurie Howland
Print: Van Deventer

Defence for Children Annual Report

Defence for Children | 2013

Jaarverslag Defence for Children

Much of the work of Defence for Children is a matter of being patient. In different timelines this report gives an impression of this work and patience.

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Child Rights Film Festival Leiden

Child Rights Home NL | 2012

The Child Rights Film Festival in Leiden is a three-day event of documentary films, presented jointly by the Child Rights Home (Kinderrechtenhuis) and partners to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The films focus on -sometimes- violent subjects, such as juvenile justice in Brazil, child labor in Russia and child soldiers in Congo. was responsible for the graphic design of the movie poster, invitations and t-shirts.

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Annual Report ‘Children’s Rights from the Heart’

Defence for Children | 2012

Omslag Jaarverslag

Defence for Children’s new slogan ‘Children’s Rights from the Heart’ was visualized by combining all relevant topics in one symbol. The Annual Report is available online.

New visual identity for Pro Juventute

Pro Juventute | 2012

The Foundation and Support Fund ‘Pro Juventute Netherlands’ gives money to innovative activities for children and young people in trouble and has been active since 1947. In 2012 designed the new corporate identity for Pro Juventute, based on the values ​​’protect’ and ‘support’.

The modern colorscheme and use of typographic parentheses places Pro Juventute in a modern context, signifies openness and provides ‘space’ for future initiatives. Images: printed matter and the new website.

HOUSEmagazine campaign

Graphic Design for the social media campaign of the HOUSEmagazine in order to retain it’s publication. Postcard, Twitter profile and background.

Kiss and Go (Sign)

Printed Matter
Lycée Français Vincent van Gogh | 2012

sign kiss-n-go

The Kiss and Ride zone allows drivers to stop and help their children out of the car while remaining within 3m of their vehicle. They are reminded by use of a big blue sign.

But how to achieve this communication in a busy schoolyard? With a little pray and smile! Lycée Français agreed 🙂 Fresh from the printer and on display starting today.

Core Standards European guardianship

Defence for Children | 2012

Booklet, brochure and cheque for the project ‘Closing a protection gap: Core Standards for guardians of separated children in Europe’.

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New Year’s Card 2012

Nieuwjaarskaart 2012

Original (edition of 100 copies) on 300 grams Ice Silver Metallic with a handwritten message on the back side.