Archived entries for Print

Mediawise – 21st Century Skills

2015 | Defence for Children

Mediawise folder

Tri-Fold brochure for MediaWise, an educational concept and online platform for young people in closed institutions.

Mulock Houwer lecture 2015

2015 | Defence for Children

Mulock Houwer-lezing

A fresh new look for the Annual Mulock Houwer lecture.

More information: announcement and registration


Families stuck in limbo

2015 | Defence for Children

Rapport Gezinnen in de Knel

The Dutch migration policy is restrictive and does not properly respect children’s rights. That is the summary of the publication ‘Families stuck in limbo’ by Defence for Children.

NOS 12 juni
Press Release Defence for Children

Annual Report visualizes Children’s Rights

2015 | Defence for Children

Jaarverslag Defence for Children

The annual report of Defence for Children looks back on an extraordinary year for children’s rights. Implementing and monitoring Children’s Rights is represented by a combination of photo collages and hand-drawn illustrations .

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Print design: poster fold

2015 | Defence for Children

Infographic, brochure en poster samen

For our client we designed a poster that doubles as a brochure and folds out into an infographic showing the annual results.

Printed Matter for Dutch Victim Support Fund

Drukwerk Fonds Slachtofferhulp

Flyers, business cards and christmas invitations for Dutch Victim Support Fund.

Make IT Safe collateral

2014 | Defence for Children

Flyers Make IT Safe

Make IT Safe is a project aimed at peer2peer education on internet safety. Marketing collateral included brochures and flyers in eight different languages ​​(Russian, Arabic, Turkish, etc.).

Children’s rights; principles into practice

Defence for Children | 2014

Jaarverslag kinderrechten in de praktijk

Children’s rights: priciples into practice. That’s the title of the annual report of Defence for Children in The Netherlands. Priority areas are represented by various symbols which form the main visual on the cover. This results in a deeper perspective to the image used on the back of the report: a cild wearing boxing gloves.

Visual identity for Wall Against Violence

Muur tegen Geweld

Corporate identity for the new National foundation ‘Wall Against Violence’, which will take care of the management of the national monument ‘The Inconceivable’ in De Wolden, the Netherlands. This monument was designed in 2007 in honor of the victims of senseless violence and to support surviving relatives.

Applications: correspondence set, leaflets and website (in development)

Aphasia Bedside Check

Erasmus MC | 2014

Afasie Bedside Check

Aphasia Bedside Check is a tool for an initial diagnosis of a language (and/or speech) impairment in patients with a neurological disorder. The test takes only a few minutes and can be performed at the bedside. There is a paper version available in the form of a booklet with accompanying forms. A digital version (app) will be released in the near future.

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